Shingles and Facial Nerve Damage
Herpes Zoster Oticus (HZ oticus) is a form of shingles that is restricted to the area of the ear and its surroundings. Shingles and Herpes Zoster Oticus are a…
Herpes Zoster Oticus (HZ oticus) is a form of shingles that is restricted to the area of the ear and its surroundings. Shingles and Herpes Zoster Oticus are a…
Key Points: There are various methods for tattoo removal with differing levels of efficacy but the Saline Method is known to have high levels of efficacy with low pain,…
What are the painful pimples on my nose? What these “pimples” are, are in fact infected hair follicles. What is the medical term for this? Folliculitis. Why do I keep…
Doctor, my child snores a lot. What’s the problem? Snoring is the sound of air caused by air passing through the nose and vibrating across the soft palate. The commonest…
Over the past decade the cosmetic injectable market has become a multi-billion dollar industry. Various products have been developed to plump, erase and enhance facial appearances. They vary from temporary…
In the United States Millions suffer from acne breakouts and rosacea. “Although two different diseases, acne and rosacea have a lot in common when it comes to the disease…