- The Micro-Mini Lift®: Frequently Asked Questions - January 8, 2016
- Micro-Mini Lift®: Shorter Recovery Time Than a Facelift - January 8, 2016
- The Micro-Mini Lift®: Minimally Invasive Facelift - January 8, 2016
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Through years of work and experience, I have developed a modification of the standard facelift, which I have named the Micro-Mini Lift®. This is most appropriate for patients with a small amount of excess skin in the jaw line and/or minor looseness of the neck. The incisions are small and recovery time is usually less than that for a full facelift; more along the lines of 10 days rather than 2 to 3 weeks. I perform this lift mainly for patients in their forties and fifties who are beginning to see some loosening of the skin and deeper tissues but are not ready for a larger lift. I believe it is crucial to do the right procedure at the right time for my patients and so the Micro-Mini Lift® is a great addition to my face and neck lift line up.
What is the Micro-Mini Lift®?
The Micro-Mini Lift is a small-incision procedure to firm the jawline and improve drooping in the neck. It is a modified facelift procedure that is minimally invasive and promotes speedier recovery time, by respecting the delicate underlying structures of the face.
Who can benefit from it?
Patients with early jowling and looseness in the neck can benefit from the Micro-Mini Lift. These patients are generally in their 40’s and 50’s. In addition, patients who do not want or cannot have traditional facelift procedures may be able to take advantage of this minimally invasive procedure.

Why is it called the Micro-Mini Lift®?
It is a mini lift because the incisions are smaller than a standard facelift or even those of a facial or neck “tuck-up”. “Micro” describes the surgeon’s mindset – an almost microscopic attention to detail. Incisions are also strategically located in the natural folds of the skin and the hair.

Can the Micro-Mini Lift® be customized?
Yes, it is individualized in every case. For example, the deeper layer of facial muscles (SMAS) may simply be tightened or partially removed and repositioned, depending on tissue looseness and thickness. Also, the area under the chin is treated according to the specific need there. For example the muscles may be firmed, fat removal (liposuction and/or direct removal), or plication (dealing with prominent banding) may all be done according to what the neck requires.
If I have a Micro-Mini Lift® now, can I have a more traditional lift when I’m older?
Yes, this procedure complements having a more extensive lift later in life. In fact, by creating a firm layer of healing, it can be used to enhance future results.

Who should perform a Micro-Mini Lift?
All facelift procedures, including the Micro-Mini Lift, should be performed by qualified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeons. These surgeons possess extensive training and clinical experience in dealing with cosmetic and reconstructive considerations of the face.
Dr. Michael Godin, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon at the Osborne Head and Neck Institute, developed and regularly performs the Micro-Mini Lift procedure. Dr. Godin is nationally renowned for his expertise in facial plastic surgery and has pioneered several facial plastic procedures. His double board certification in otolaryngology and facial plastic and reconstructive surgery allows him to address cosmetic concerns of the face with the constant goal of delivering outstanding results in a way that is safe, reliable, and natural-looking.
To learn more about Dr. Michael Godin or the Micro-Mini Lift, please visit: www.ohni.org.